National Parliament Composition
National Poll Average
This poll average is the result of a smoothing cubic spline fitted to our dataset of all national polls collected in Estonia. You can access the complete database of polls at
Head of State (President) | Alar Karis (*) |
Head of Government (PM) | Kristen Michal (RE-RE) |
Parties in Government | Estonian Reform Party (RE-RE) Estonia 200 (E200→EPP) Social Democratic Party (SDE-S&D) |
Eesti Reformierakond (RE)
Estonian Reform Party
Leader: Kristen Michal
Orientation: Liberal
EP Affiliation: RE (RE, ALDE Party, LI, ALDE-PACE)
EU Stance: Strongly in favour of EU integration (Chapel-Hill data)
Years active: 1994-...
Watch here our video from 2019 about the party.
Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond (EKRE)
Conservative People’s Party of Estonia
Leader: Martin Helme
Orientation: Right-wing
EP Affiliation: PfE (
EU Stance: Opposed to EU integration (Chapel-Hill data)
Years active: 2012-...
Watch here our video from 2019 about the party.
Eesti Keskerakond (KE)
Estonian Centre Party
Leader: Mihhail Kõlvart
Orientation: Centrist
EP Affiliation: RE|ECR (RE, ECR, ALDE-PACE)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration (Chapel-Hill data)
Years active: 1991-...
Watch here our video from 2019 about the party.
Erakond Eesti 200 (E200)
Estonia 200
Leader: Kristina Kallas
Orientation: Liberal
EP Affiliation: →EPP (intention to join EPP, NI-PACE)
EU Stance: Strongly in favour of EU integration (Chapel-Hill data)
Years active: 2018-...
Watch here our video from 2019 about the party.
Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond (SDE)
Social Democratic Party
Leader: Lauri Läänemets
Orientation: Centre-left
EP Affiliation: S&D (S&D, PES, SOC)
EU Stance: Strongly in favour of EU integration (Chapel-Hill data)
Years active: 1990-...
Watch here our video from 2019 about the party.
Isamaa (I)
Leader: Urmas Reinsalu
Orientation: National-conservative (Siik, 2012, p. 1)
EP Affiliation: EPP (EPP-EP, EPP Party, IDU, EPP-PACE)
EU Stance: Somewhat in favour of EU integration (Chapel-Hill data)
Years active: 2006-...
Watch here our video from 2019 about the party.
Erakond Parempoolsed (PP)
The Right-Wingers
Leader: Lavly Perling
Orientation: Centre-right
EP Affiliation: →EPP (intention to join EPP)
EU Stance: Strongly in favour of EU integration (Valijakompass2023)
Years active: 2022-...
Erakond Eestimaa Rohelised (EER)
Estonian Greens
Leaders: Evelyn Sepp & Mihkel Kangur
Orientation: Green politics, centre-left
EP Affiliation: Greens/EFA (EGP, GG)
EU Stance: Strongly in favour of EU integration (Valijakompass2023)
Years active: 2006-...
KOOS organisatsioon osutab suveräänsusele (KOOS)
TOGETHER organization points to sovereignty
Leader: Aivo Peterson, Eduard Fedotov, & Leila Eerits
Orientation: Conservative
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: Opposed to EU integration
Years active: 2023-...
Eesti Rahvuslased ja Konservatiivid (ERK)
Estonian Nationalists and Conservatives
Leader: Silver Kuusik
Orientation: Right-wing
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: Opposed to EU integration
Years active: 2024-...
Vabaerakond (VAP)
Free Party
Leader: Märt Meesak
Orientation: Centre-right, Green
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: Neutral towards EU integration
Years active: 2020-...
Note: the merger of Estonian Free Party (EVA→EPP) and Estonian Biodiversity Party (ERE~NI). ERE cooperated with M5S (LEFT) in the past.
Watch here our video from 2021 about the party.