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National Parliament Composition

National Poll Average

This poll average is the result of a smoothing cubic spline fitted to our dataset of all national polls collected in Romania. You can access the complete database of polls at


Head of State (President)Klaus Iohannis (*-EPP)
Head of Government (PM) Marcel Ciolacu (PSD-S&D)
Parties in GovernmentPartidul Social Democrat (PSD)
National Liberal Party (PNL-EPP)
Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania (UDMR-EPP)


Partidul Social Democrat (PSD)
Social Democratic Party
Leader: Marcel Ciolacu
Orientation: Centre-left
EP Affiliation: S&D (S&D, PES, SI, SOC)
EU Stance: Neutral towards EU integration (Chapel Hill data)
Years active: 1989-…

Watch here our video from 2020 about the party.

Alianța pentru Unirea Românilor (AUR)
Alliance for the Unity of Romanians
Leader: George Simion
Orientation: National-conservative
EP Affiliation: ECR (ECR-EP)
EU Stance: Opposed to EU integration (party website)
Years active: 2019-…

Note: The party is a member of the Grupul parlamentar AUR group in the national parliament.

Partidul Național Liberal (PNL)
National Liberal Party
Leader: Nicolae Ciucă
Orientation: Centre-right
EP Affiliation: EPP (EPP-EP, EPP Party, CDI, EPP-PACE)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration (Chapel Hill data)
Years active: 1875-…

Watch here our video from 2020 about the party.

Uniunea Salvați România (USR)
Save Romania Union
Leader: Elena Lasconi
Orientation: Liberal
EP Affiliation: RE (RE, ALDE Party, ALDE-PACE)
EU Stance: Strongly in favour of EU integration (Chapel Hill data)
Years active: 2016-…

Note: the USR party was created on 21 August 2016; on 15 December 2018, the PLUS party was created; on 2 February 2019, the USR PLUS multiparty alliance was created by the USR party and the PLUS party; on 16 April 2021, the USR PLUS multiparty alliance was dissolved and USR party and PLUS party merge into the USR PLUS party; in late 2021, the USR PLUS party was renamed to USR.

Watch here our video from 2020 about the party.

Partidul S.O.S. România (S.O.S. RO)
S.O.S. Romania Party
Leader: Diana Șoșoacă
Orientation: Far-right
EP Affiliation: NI (NI-EP)
EU Stance: Strongly opposed to EU integration
Years active: 2021-…

Partidul Oamenilor Tineri (POT)
Young People’s Party
Leader: Anamaria Gavrilă
Orientation: Far-right
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: *
Years active: 2024-…

Uniunea Democrată Maghiară din România (UDMR)
Romániai Magyar Demokrata Szövetség (RMDSZ)
Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania
Leader: Hunor Kelemen
Orientation: Centre-right
EP Affiliation: EPP (EPP-EP, EPP Party, CDI, EPP-PACE)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration (Chapel Hill data)
Years active: 1989-…

Watch here our video from 2020 about the party.

Partidul Umanist Social Liberal (PUSL)
Social Liberal Humanist Party
Leader: Daniel Ionașcu
Orientation: Centrist
EP Affiliation: ~S&D (history with S&D)
EU Stance: Neutral towards EU integration
Years active: 2015-…

Watch here our video from 2020 about the party.

Partidul Neamul Românesc (PNR)
Romanian Nationhood Party
Leader: Ninel Peia
Orientation: Right-wing
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: Strongly opposed to EU integration
Years active: 2018-…

Note: The party is a member of the Grupul parlamentar AUR group in the national parliament.

Alianța Maghiară din Transilvania (AMT)
Erdélyi Magyar Szövetség (EMDSZ)
Hungarian Alliance of Transylvania
Leader: Zoltán Zakariás
Orientation: Centre-right
EP Affiliation: Greens/EFA (EFA)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 2020-…

Uniunea Armenilor din România (UAR)
Armenians Union of Romania
Leader: Varujan Vosganian
Orientation: Designated party to represent the Armenian minority in Romania
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 1990-…

Note: The party is a member of the Grupul parlamentar al minorităţilor naţionale group in the national parliament.

Forumul Democrat al Germanilor din România (FDGR)
Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania
Leader: Paul-Jürgen Porr
Orientation: Designated party to represent the German minority in Romania
EP Affiliation: EPP (history with EPP-EP)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 1989-…

Note: The party is a member of the Grupul parlamentar al minorităţilor naţionale group in the national parliament.

Asociaţia Liga Albanezilor din România (ALAR)
Association League of Albanians in Romania
Orientation: Designated party to represent the Albanian minority in Romania
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 1999-…

Note: The party is a member of the Grupul parlamentar al minorităţilor naţionale group in the national parliament.

Asociaţia Macedonenilor din România (AMR)
Association of Macedonians in Romania
Leader: Laura Elen Rogobete Cristescu
Orientation: Designated party to represent the Macedonian minority in Romania
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 2000-…

Note: The party is a member of the Grupul parlamentar al minorităţilor naţionale group in the national parliament.

Comunitatea Ruşilor Lipoveni din România (CRLR)
Community of Lipovan Russians in Romania
Leader: Silviu Feodor
Orientation: Designated party to represent the Lipovan minority in Romania
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 1990-…

Note: The party is a member of the Grupul parlamentar al minorităţilor naţionale group in the national parliament.

Uniunea Polonezilor din România “Dom Polski” (UPR)
Union of Poles in Romania “Dom Polski”
Leader: Ghervazen Longher
Orientation: Designated party to represent the Polish minority in Romania
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 1990-…

Note: The party is a member of the Grupul parlamentar al minorităţilor naţionale group in the national parliament.

Federaţia Comunităţilor Evreieşti din România (FCER)
Jew’s Communities Federation in Romania
Leader: Aurel Vainer
Orientation: Designated party to represent the Jewish minority in Romania
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 1936-…

Note: The party is a member of the Grupul parlamentar al minorităţilor naţionale group in the national parliament.

Partida Romilor “Pro-Europa” (Pro Europa)
Roma Party “Pro-Europa”
Leader: Nicolae Păun
Orientation: Designated party to represent the Roma minority in Romania
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 1990-…

Note: The party is a member of the Grupul parlamentar al minorităţilor naţionale group in the national parliament.

Asociaţia Italienilor din România – RO.AS.IT. (RO.AS.IT.)
Association of Italians in Romania – RO.AS.IT
Leader: Ioana Grosaru
Orientation: Designated party to represent the Italian minority in Romania
EP Affiliation: ~RE (history with EDP)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 1996-…

Note: The party is a member of the Grupul parlamentar al minorităţilor naţionale group in the national parliament.

Uniunea Bulgara din Banat – România (UBBR)
Union of Bulgarians in Banat – Romania
Leader: Niculae Mircovici
Orientation: Designated party to represent the Bulgarian minority in Romania
EP Affiliation: ~ ECR (history with ECPM)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 1990-…

Note: The party is a member of the Grupul parlamentar al minorităţilor naţionale group in the national parliament.

Uniunea Croaţilor din România (UCR)
Union of Croats in Romania
Leader: Ghera Giureci-Slobodan
Orientation: Designated party to represent the Croatian minority in Romania
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 1991-…

Note: The party is a member of the Grupul parlamentar al minorităţilor naţionale group in the national parliament.

Uniunea Culturală a Rutenilor din România (UCRR)
Cultural Union of Rutens in Romania
Leader: Jurnal Rutean
Orientation: Designated party to represent the Ruthenian minority in Romania
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 2000-…

Note: The party is a member of the Grupul parlamentar al minorităţilor naţionale group in the national parliament.

Uniunea Democratică a Slovacilor şi Cehilor din România (UDSCR)
Democratic Union of Slovaks and Czechs in Romania
Leader: Iarco Furic
Orientation: Designated party to represent the Slovak and Czech minority in Romania
EP Affiliation: ECR (ECPM)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 1990-…

Note: The party is a member of the Grupul parlamentar al minorităţilor naţionale group in the national parliament.

Uniunea Democrată Turcă din România (UDTR)
Turkish Democratic Union of Romania
Leader: Osman Fedbi
Orientation: Designated party to represent the Turkish minority in Romania
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 1990-…

Note: The party is a member of the Grupul parlamentar al minorităţilor naţionale group in the national parliament.

Uniunea Elenă din România (UER)
Hellenic Union of Romania
Leader: Zisopol Dragos-Gabriel
Orientation: Designated party to represent the Greek minority in Romania
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 1989-…

Note: The party is a member of the Grupul parlamentar al minorităţilor naţionale group in the national parliament.

Uniunea Sârbilor din România (USrR)
Union of Serbs in Romania
Leader: Ognean Cristici
Orientation: Designated party to represent the Serb minority in Romania
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 1989-…

Note: The party is a member of the Grupul parlamentar al minorităţilor naţionale group in the national parliament.

Uniunea Ucrainenilor din România (UUR)
Union of Ukrainians in Romania
Leader: Petrețchi Nicolae Miroslav
Orientation: Designated party to represent the Ukrainian minority in Romania
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 1989-…

Note: The party is a member of the Grupul parlamentar al minorităţilor naţionale group in the national parliament.

Partidul Național Conservator Român (PNCR)
Romanian National Conservative Party
Leader: Cristian Terheș
Orientation: National-conservative
EP Affiliation: ECR (ECR-EP)
EU Stance: Somewhat opposed to EU integration
Years active: 2023-…

Forța Dreptei (FD)
Force of the Right
Leader: Ludovic Orban
Orientation: Centre-right
EP Affiliation: →EPP (intention to join EPP)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 2021-…

Partidul Ecologist Român (PER)
Romanian Ecologist Party
Leader: Dănuţ Pop
Orientation: National-conservative, Green politics
EP Affiliation: ~ Greens/EFA (joint statement with Greens/EFA MEPs)
EU Stance: Somewhat opposed to EU integration (see, for instance, this article as one example)
Years active: 1990-…

Reînnoim Proiectul European al României (REPER)
Renewing Romania’s European Project
Leaders: Ramona Strugariu and Dragoș Pîslaru
Orientation: Liberal
EP Affiliation: RE (RE)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 2022-…

Pro România (PRO)
Pro Romania
Leader: Victor Ponta
Orientation: Centre-left
EP Affiliation: S&D (PES, history with S&D)
EU Stance: Somewhat in favour of EU integration (Chapel Hill data)
Years active: 2018-…

Watch here our video from 2020 about the party.

Partidul Mișcarea Populară (PMP)
People’s Movement Party
Leader: Eugen Tomac
Orientation: Centre-right
EP Affiliation: RE (RE, EPP Party, PACE-NI)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration (Chapel Hill data)
Years active: 2014-…

Watch here our video from 2020 about the party.

Alternativa Dreaptă (AD)
Right Alternative
Leader: Adela Mîrza
Orientation: National-conservative
EP Affiliation: ECR (ECR Party)
EU Stance: Opposed to EU integration
Years active: 2019-…

Note: The party is a member of the Grupul parlamentar AUR group in the national parliament.

Partidul România Mare (PRM)
Greater Romania Party
Leader: Victor Iovici
Orientation: Far-right (Rooduijn et al., 2023)
EP Affiliation: ~NI (history with NI)
EU Stance: Somewhat opposed to EU integration
Years active: 1991-…

Partidul Național Țărănesc Creștin Democrat (PNȚ-CD)
Christian-Democratic National Peasants’ Party
Leader: Aurelian Pavelescu
Orientation: National-conservative
EP Affiliation: ECR (ECPM, history with ECR-EP)
EU Stance: Somewhat opposed to EU integration
Years active: 1989-…

Partidul Verde – Verzii (PV)
Green Party – The Greens
Leader: Lavinia Cosma & Marius Lazăr
Orientation: Centre-left
EP Affiliation: Greens/EFA (EGP)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 2005-…

Partidul Democrației și Solidarității (Demos)
Democracy and Solidarity Party
Ionuț Tudor
EP Affiliation:
EU Stance:
In favour of EU integration
Years active: 2018-…

MRS – Partidul Miscarea România Suverana (PRS)
Sovereign Romania Movement Party
Carmen Dan
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance:
Opposed to EU integration
Years active: 2023-…

Partidul Republican din România (PRR)
Republican Party from Romania
Leader: Marian Cucșa
Orientation: Conservative
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: Neutral towards EU integration
Years active: 2015-…

Alianța Național Creștină (ANC)
National Christian Alliance Party
Leader: Mircea Andrei
Orientation: National-conservative
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: Opposed to EU integration
Years active: 2023-…

Patrioții Poporului Român (PPR)
Patriots of the Romanian People
Leader: Mihai Ioan Lasca
Orientation: Right-wing
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: Opposed to EU integration
Years active: 2023-…

Forţa Identităţii Naţionale (FIN)
The Force of National Identity
Leader: Ilan Laufer
Orientation: Right-wing
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: Opposed to EU integration
Years active: 2023-…

Partidul Patriotilor (PP)
Patriots Party
Leader: Surugiu Iulian
Orientation: Right-wing
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: Opposed to EU integration
Years active: 2023-…

Partidul România ECO (Echitate, Comunitate, Onestitate) (ECO)
ECO Romania Party (Equity, Community, Honesty)
Leader: Cosette Chichirău
Orientation: Centre
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: *
Years active: 2024-…

Partidul Sănătate, Educație, Natură, Sustenabilitate (SENS)
Health, Education, Nature, Sustainability Party
Leader: Andrei Macsut
Orientation: centre-left, Green politics
EP Affiliation: ~ Greens/EFA
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 2024-…

Partidul Dreptate și Respect în Europa pentru Toți (DREPT)
Justice and Respect in Europe for All Party
Leader: Vlad Gheorghe
Orientation: Centre
EP Affiliation: ~RE
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 2024-…

Blocul Suveranist Român (BSR)
Romanian Sovereigntist Bloc
Leader: Florin Eremia
Orientation: Right-wing
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: Opposed to EU integration
Years active: 2023-…

Note: BSR also functions as an umbrella organisation for multiple independent parties. 

Alianța Liberalilor și Democraților (ALDE)
Alliance of Liberals and Democrats
Leader: Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu
Orientation: Centre-right
EP Affiliation: ~NI (history with NI-EP, LI, ALDE-PACE, LIBSEEN)
EU Stance: Somewhat in favour of EU integration (Chapel Hill data)
Years active: 2015-2022

Note: In the 2020 national parliament election, ALDE members will run on the PRO (S&D) list. ALDE itself will not present a list in the election.

Alianța pentru Patrie (APP)
Alliance for the Fatherland
Leader: Luviu Dragnea
Orientation: National-conservative
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: Somewhat opposed to EU integration
Years active: 2021-2024