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National Parliament Composition

National Poll Average

This poll average is the result of a smoothing cubic spline fitted to our dataset of all national polls collected in Spain. You can access the complete database of polls at


Head of State (Monarch)Felipe VI (*)
Head of Government (PM)Pedro Sánchez (PSOE-S&D)
Parties in GovernmentSpanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE-S&D)
Unite Movement (Sumar~ G/EFA|LEFT)
United Left (IU-LEFT)
Communist Party of Spain (PCE-LEFT)
Catalonia in Common (CatComú-G/EFA)
Más Madrid (MM-G/EFA)


Partido Popular (PP)
People’s Party
Leader: Alberto Núñez Feijóo
Orientation: Centre-right (Poguntke et al., 2020)
EP Affiliation: EPP (EPP-EP, EPP Party, CDI, EPP-PACE, IDU)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration (Chapel Hill data)
Years active: 1989-…

Note: The party ran as part of the PP multiparty alliance in the 2023 national parliament election.

Watch here our video from 2019 about the party.

Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE)
Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party
Leader: Pedro Sánchez
Orientation: Centre-left (Poguntke et al., 2020)
EP Affiliation: S&D (S&D, PES, PA, SI, SOC)
EU Stance: Strongly in favour of EU integration (Chapel Hill data)
Years active: 1879-… (Scarrow, 2014, p. 54)

Note: The party ran as part of the PSOE multiparty alliance in the 2023 national parliament election. PSOE sits in the Socialista group in the national parliament.

Watch here our video from 2019 about the party.

Leader: Santiago Abascal
Orientation: National-conservative
EP Affiliation: PfE (PfE, ECR Party, EC/DA)
EU Stance: Somewhat opposed to EU integration (Chapel Hill data)
Years active: 2013-…

Watch here our video from 2019 about the party.

Partido de los Socialistas de Cataluña (PSC-PSOE)
Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya
Leader: Salvador Illa
Orientation: Centre-left
EP Affiliation: S&D (S&D)
EU Stance: Strongly in favour of EU integration
Years active: 1978-…

Note: The party ran as part of the PSOE multiparty alliance in the 2023 national parliament election. PSC sits in the Socialista group in the national parliament; acts as regional section of PSOE (S&D). Watch here our video from 2019 about PSOE.

Movimento Sumar (SMR)
Add Movement
Leader: Marta Lois
Orientation: Green politics, left-wing
EP Affiliation: Greens/EFA|LEFT (Greens/EFA, LEFT, ties with EGP)
EU Stance: Strongly in favour of EU integration
Years active: 2023-…

Note: Movimiento Sumar also functions as an umbrella coalition for six political parties and independents affiliated with the Sumar alliance. The party ran as part of the Sumar multiparty alliance in the 2023 national parliament election. 

Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC)
Republican Left of Catalonia
Leader: Oriol Junqueras
Orientation: Progressive separatist, centre-left, Catalan independence
EP Affiliation: Greens/EFA (Greens/EFA, EFA, NI-PACE)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration (Chapel Hill data)
Years active: 1931-…

Note: The party ran as part of the ERC multiparty alliance in the 2023 national parliament election.

Watch here our video from 2019 about the party.

Junts per Catalunya (Junts)
Together for Catalonia
Leader: Laura Borràs
Orientation: Centre-right, Catalan independence
EP Affiliation: NI (NI-EP)
EU Stance: Somewhat in favour of EU integration
Years active: 2020-…

Note: The party ran part of the Junts multiparty alliance in the 2023 national parliament election.

Watch here our video from 2019 about the party.

Euskal Herria Bildu (EH Bildu)
Basque Country Gather
Leader: Arnaldo Otegi
Orientation: Left-wing, Basque independence
EP Affiliation: ~LEFT (history with LEFT)
EU Stance: Somewhat in favour of EU integration (Chapel Hill data)
Years active: 2012-…

Note: EH Bildu also functions as an umbrella coalition for three political parties.

Watch here our video from 2019 about the party.

Euzko Alderdi Jeltzalea – Partido Nacionalista Vasco (EAJ/PNV)
Basque National Party – Basque National Party
Leader: Andoni Ortuzar
Orientation: Centrist, Basque regionalist
EP Affiliation: RE (RE, EDP, ALDE-PACE)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration (Chapel Hill data)
Years active: 1895-…

Watch here our video from 2019 about the party.

We Can
Leader: Ione Belarra
Orientation: Left-wing
EP Affiliation: LEFT(LEFT, ELA, NTP)
EU Stance: Somewhat in favour of EU integration (Chapel Hill data)
Years active: 2014-…

Note: The party ran as part of the Sumar multiparty alliance in the 2023 national parliament election.

Watch here our video from 2019 about Unidas Podemos.

Catalunya en Comú (CatComú)
Catalonia in Common
Leader: Ada Colau
Orientation: Progressive regionalist
EP Affiliation: Greens/EFA (Greens/EFAEGPPI)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 2016-…

Note: The party ran as part of the Sumar multiparty alliance in the 2023 national parliament election.

Izquierda Unida (IU)
United Left
Leader: Alberto Garzón
Orientation: Left-wing (Poguntke et al., 2020)
EP Affiliation: LEFT (LEFT, EL)
EU Stance: Somewhat in favour of EU integration
Years active: 1986-…

Note: The party ran as part of the Sumar multiparty alliance in the 2023 national parliament election. IU also functions as an umbrella organisation for multiple independent parties.

Bloque Nacionalista Galego (BNG)
Galician Nationalist Bloc
Leader: Ana Pontón
Orientation: Progressive separatist
EP Affiliation: Greens/EFA (Greens/EFAEFA)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration (Chapel Hill data)
Years active: 1982-…

Note: BNG also functions as an umbrella coalition for four political parties.

Coalición Canaria (CC)
Canarian Coalition
Leader: Fernando Clavijo
Orientation: Centrist, Canarian regionalist
EP Affiliation: RE (EDP)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 1993-…

Note: The party ran as part of the CCa multiparty alliance in the 2023 national parliament election.

Més–Compromís (Més)
Leader: Enric Morera
Orientation: Progressive regionalist
EP Affiliation: Greens/EFA (Greens/EFA, EFA)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 2021-…

Note: The party ran as part of the Sumar multiparty alliance in the 2023 national parliament election. The party is part of the Coalició Compromís alliance.

Se Acabó La Fiesta (SALF)
The Party is Over
Leader: Alvise Pérez
Orientation: Far-right
EP Affiliation: ECR|NI (ECR-EP, NI-EP)
EU Stance: Somewhat opposed to European integration
Years active: 2024-…

Unión del Pueblo Navarro (UPN)
Navarrese People’s Union
Leader: Javier Esparza
Orientation: Conservative regionalist
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 1979-…

Partido Comunista de España (PCE)
Communist Party of Spain
Leader: Enrique Santiago
Orientation: Left-wing
EP Affiliation: LEFT (PEL)
EU Stance: Somewhat in favour of EU integration
Years active: 1921-…

Note: The party ran as part of the Sumar multiparty alliance in the 2023 national parliament election. PCE is a member of the Izquierda Unida party, which is a member of EL.

Más País
More Country
Leader: Iñigo Errejón
Orientation: Left-wing
EP Affiliation: Greens/EFA (cooperation with Greens/EFA)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration (Chapel Hill data)
Years active: 2019-…

Note: The party ran as part of the Sumar multiparty alliance in the 2023 national parliament election.

Watch here our video from 2019 about the party.

Más Madrid (MM)
More Madrid
Leader: Mónica García
Orientation: Progressive regionalist
EP Affiliation: Greens/EFA (cooperation with Greens/EFA)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration (Chapel Hill data)
Years active: 2019-…

Note: The party ran as part of the Sumar multiparty alliance in the 2023 national parliament election. MM is a member of the Más País party.

Watch here our video from 2019 about the party.

Chunta Aragonesista (CHA)
Aragonese Union
Leader: Joaquín Palacín
Orientation: Progressive regionalist
EP Affiliation: ~ Greens/EFA (history with EFA)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 1986-…

Note: The party ran as part of the Sumar multiparty alliance in the 2023 national parliament election.

Més per Mallorca (MÉS)
More for Majorca
Leader: Lluís Apesteguia
Orientation: Progressive regionalist
EP Affiliation: Greens/EFA (EFA)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 2010-…

Note: The party ran as part of the Sumar multiparty alliance in the 2023 national parliament election. MÉS also functions as an umbrella coalition for three political parties.

Iniciativa del Poble Valencià (IPV)
Valencian People’s Initiative
Leader: Aitana Mas
Orientation: Progressive regionalist
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 2007-…

Note: The party ran as part of the Sumar multiparty alliance in the 2023 national parliament election. The party is part of the Coalició Compromís alliance.

Ciudadanos–Partido de la Ciudadanía (CS)
Citizens–Party of the Citizenry
Leader: Patricia Guasp
Orientation: Liberal
EP Affiliation: RE (ALDE Party, history with RE, ALDE-PACE)
EU Stance: Strongly in favour of EU integration (Chapel Hill data)
Years active: 2006-…

Watch here our video from 2019 about the party.

Candidatura d’Unitat Popular (CUP)
Popular Unity Candidacy
Leader: Carles Riera
Orientation: Left-wing, Catalan independence
EP Affiliation: ~LEFT (cooperation with LEFT parties)
EU Stance: Opposed to EU integration
Years active: 1991-…

Note: The party ran as part of the CUP-PR multiparty alliance in the 2023 national parliament election.

Watch here our video from 2019 about the party.

Alianza Verde (AV)
Green Alliance
Leader: Juan López de Uralde
Green politics, left-wing
EP affiliation: *
EU stance:
Strongly in favour of EU integration
Years active: 2021-…

Note: The party ran as part of the Sumar multiparty alliance in the 2023 national parliament election. Watch here our video from 2019 about Unidas Podemos.

Leader: Inés Sabanés and Florent Marcellesi
Orientation: Green politics
EP Affiliation: Greens/EFA (EGP, GG)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 2011-…

Note: The party ran as part of the Sumar multiparty alliance in the 2023 national parliament election.

Nueva Canarias (NCa)
New Canaries
Leader: Román Rodríguez
Orientation: Progressive regionalist
EP Affiliation: Greens/EFA (EFA)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 2005-…

Partido Regionalista de Cantabria (PRC)
Regionalist Party of Cantabria
Leader: Miguel Ángel Revilla
Orientation: Centrist regionalist
EP Affiliation: ~RE (RE in the European Committee of Regions)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 1978-…

España Vaciada (EV)
Emptied Spain
Leader: Teo Nieto
EP affiliation:
→NI (Soria ¡YA!, a member party of España Vaciada, has privately stated to Europe Elects their intention to join NI in case they ever decide to present a candidate to the European Parliament)
EU stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 2021-…

Note: The party ran part of the EV multiparty alliance in the 2023 national parliament election.

Teruel Existe (TE)
Teruel Exists
Leader: Tomás Guitarte
Orientation: Regionalist
EP Affiliation: →NI (member party of España Vaciada)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 1999-…

Note: The party ran candidates on the EV multiparty alliance in the 2023 national parliament election. TE is a member of the España Vaciada party.

Soria ¡YA! (¡SY!)
Soria ¡NOW!
Leader: Ángel Ceña
EP affiliation:
→NI (Soria ¡YA!, has privately stated to Europe Elects their intention to join NI in case they ever decide to present a candidate to the European Parliament)
EU stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 2001-…

Note: The party ran candidates on the EV multiparty alliance in the 2023 national parliament election.

Foro Asturias (Foro)
Asturias Forum
Leader: Carmen Moriyón
Orientation: Centre-right, regionalism
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 2011-…

At once
Leader: Jordi Graupera and Clara Ponsatí
Orientation: Catalan independence
EP Affiliation: NI (history with NI-EP)
EU Stance: Somewhat in favour of EU integration
Years active: 2024-…

Partit Demòcrata Europeu Català (PDeCAT)
Catalan European Democratic Party
Leader: David Bonvehí
Orientation: Centre-right, Catalan independence
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration (Chapel Hill data)
Years active: 2016-2023

Note: The party ran as part of the PDeCAT multiparty alliance in the 2023 national parliament election.