National Parliament Composition
National Poll Average
This poll average is the result of a smoothing cubic spline fitted to our dataset of all national polls collected in Hungary. You can request access to our database of polls at
Head of State (President) | Tamás Sulyok (*) |
Head of Government (PM) | Viktor Orbán (Fidesz-PfE) |
Parties in Government | Fidesz – Hungarian Civic Union (Fidesz-PfE) Christian Democratic People’s Party (KDNP-PfE) |
Fidesz – Magyar Polgári Szövetség (Fidesz)
Fidesz – Hungarian Civic Union
Leader: Viktor Orbán
Orientation: Right-wing
EP Affiliation: PfE (PfE, EC/DA)
EU Stance: Somewhat opposed to EU integration (Chapel Hill data)
Years active: 1988-…
Note: Fidesz is part of the Fidesz–KDNP pártszövetség multiparty alliance.
Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt (KDNP)
Christian Democratic People’s Party
Leader: Zsolt Semjén
Orientation: Right-wing
EP Affiliation: PfE (PfE, CDI, EPP-PACE)
EU Stance: Somewhat opposed to EU integration (Chapel Hill data)
Years active: 1944-…
Note: KDNP is part of the Fidesz–KDNP pártszövetség multiparty alliance.
Demokratikus Koalíció (DK)
Democratic Coalition
Leader: Ferenc Gyurcsány
Orientation: Centre-left
EP Affiliation: S&D (S&D, PES, NI-PACE)
EU Stance: Strongly in favour of EU integration (Chapel Hill data)
Years active: 2011-…
Note: DK was part of the joint Jobbik-MSZP-DK-LMP-P-MM opposition electoral alliance “United for Hungary” for the 2022 parliamentary elections.
Momentum Mozgalom (MM)
Momentum Movement
Leader: Márton Tompos
Orientation: Liberal
EP Affiliation: RE (ALDE Party, history with RE, LI)
EU Stance: Strongly in favour of EU integration (Chapel Hill data)
Years active: 2017-…
Note: MM was part of the joint Jobbik-MSZP-DK-LMP-P-MM opposition electoral alliance “United for Hungary” for the 2022 parliamentary elections.
Magyar Szocialista Párt (MSZP)
Hungarian Socialist Party
Leader: Imre Komjáthi & Ágnes Kunhalmi
Orientation: Centre-left (Poguntke et al., 2020)
EP Affiliation: S&D (PES, PA, SI, SOC, history with S&D)
EU Stance: Strongly in favour of EU integration (Chapel Hill data)
Years active: 1989-…
Note: MSZP was part of the joint Jobbik-MSZP-DK-LMP-P-MM opposition electoral alliance “United for Hungary” for 2022 parliamentary elections.
Jobbik – Konzervatívok (Jobbik)
Jobbik – Conservatives
Leader: Márton Gyöngyösi
Orientation: Centre-right to right-wing
EP Affiliation: ~NI (history with NI-EP, NI-PACE, ECPM)
EU Stance: Neutral towards EU integration (Chapel Hill data)
Years active: 2003-…
Note: Jobbik was part of the joint Jobbik-MSZP-DK-LMP-P-MM opposition electoral alliance “United for Hungary” for the 2022 parliamentary elections.
Párbeszéd – A Zöldek Pártja (P)
Dialogue – The Greens’ Party
Leader: Rebeka Szabó & Bence Tordai
Orientation: Green politics, centre-left
EP Affiliation: Greens/EFA (EGP)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 2013-…
Note: P was part of the joint Jobbik-MSZP-DK-LMP-P-MM opposition electoral alliance “United for Hungary” for the 2022 parliamentary elections.
Magyarország Zöld Pártja (LMP)
Green Party of Hungary
Leader: Erzsébet Schmuck & Péter Ungár
Orientation: Green politics (Borbáth & Susánszky, 2024; Poguntke et al., 2020; Szczerbiak & Taggart, 2024, p. 8)
EP Affiliation: Greens/EFA (EGP, GG)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration (Chapel Hill data)
Years active: 2009-…
Note: LMP was part of the joint Jobbik-MSZP-DK-LMP-P-MM opposition electoral alliance “United for Hungary” for the 2022 parliamentary elections.
Tisztelet és Szabadság (TISZA)
Respect and Freedom
Leader: Péter Magyar
Orientation: Centre-right
EP Affiliation: EPP (EPP-EP)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 2024-…
Magyar Kétfarkú Kutya Párt (MKKP)
Hungarian Two-tailed dog party
Leader: Gergely Kovács
Orientation: Satire
EP Group: →Greens/EFA (intention ot join G/EFA group)
EU Stance: Neutral towards EU integration
Years active: 2014-…
Magyarországi Németek Országos Önkormányzata (MNOÖ)
National Self-Government of Germans in Hungary
Leader: Ibolya Hock-Englender
Orientation: Designated German minority organization
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 1995-…
A Nép Pártján Mozgalom (NP)
Movement on the People’s Side
Leader: Péter Jakab
Orientation: Centrist
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: Somewhat in favour of EU integration
Years active: 2022-…
Mindenki Magyarországa Mozgalom (MMM)
Hungary for All Movement
Leader: Péter Márki-Zay
Orientation: Centre-right
EP Affiliation: →EPP (intention to join EPP)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Megoldás Mozgalom (MEMO)
Solution Movement
Leader: György Gattyán
Orientation: Diverse
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 2021-…
Normális Élet Pártja (NÉP)
Party of Normal Life
Leader: György Gődény
Orientation: Diverse
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: Neutral towards EU integration
Years active: 2018-…
Új Kezdet (ÚK)
New Start
Leader: Krisztina Hohn
Orientation: Centre to Centre-right
EP Affiliation: RE (EDP)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 2017-…
Esély Közösség (EK)
Opportunity Community
Leader: István Ujhelyi
Orientation: Centre-left
EP Affiliation: ~S&D (history with S&D)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 2023-…
Szikra Mozgalom (Szikra)
Spark Movement
Leader: Collective leadership
Orientation: Left-wing
EP Affiliation: * (CEEGLA)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration
Years active: 2020-…
Note: Szikra was part of the joint Jobbik-MSZP-DK-LMP-P-MM opposition electoral alliance “United for Hungary” for the 2022 parliamentary elections. It sits with the Párbeszéd group in the national parliament.
Második Reformkor Párt (2RK)
Second Reform Era Party
Leader: Gábor Vona
Orientation: Centrist
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: Unclear
Years active: 2023-…