National Parliament Composition
National Poll Average
This poll average is the result of a smoothing cubic spline fitted to our dataset of all national polls collected in Czechia. You can access the complete database of polls at
Head of State (President) | Petr Pavel (*) |
Head of Government (PM) | Petr Fiala (ODS-ECR) |
Parties in Government | Civic Democratic Party (ODS-ECR) Mayors and Independents (STAN-EPP) Christian and Democratic Union – Czechoslovak People’s Party (KDU/ČSL-EPP) Tradition Responsibility Prosperity (TOP09-EPP) |
ANO 2011 (ANO 2011)
YES 2011
Leader: Andrej Babiš
Orientation: Centrist (Hájek, 2017)
EP Affiliation: PfE (PfE, ALDE-PACE)
EU Stance: Somewhat opposed to EU integration (Chapel-Hill data)
Years active: 2012-…
Občanská Demokratická Strana (ODS)
Civic Democratic Party
Leader: Petr Fiala
Orientation: National-conservative
EP Affiliation: ECR (ECR-EP, ECR Party, IDU, EC/DA)
EU Stance: Neutral towards EU integration (Chapel-Hill data)
Years active: 1991-…
Note: ODS was part of SPOLU, an electoral alliance for the 2021 national parliamentary election
Starostové a Nezávislí (STAN)
Mayors and Independents
Leader: Vít Rakušan
Orientation: Centre-right
EP Affiliation: EPP (EPP-EP, EPP-PACE, cooperation with RE-EDP)
EU Stance: Strongly in favour of EU integration (Chapel-Hill data)
Years active: 2004-…
Note: STAN was part of Piráti a Starostové, an electoral alliance for the 2021 national parliamentary election
Křesťanská a Demokratická Unie – Československá Strana Lidová (KDU–ČSL)
Christian and Democratic Union – Czechoslovak People’s Party
Leader: Marek Výborný
Orientation: Centre-right (Poguntke et al., 2020)
EP Affiliation: EPP (EPP-EP, EPP Party, CDI, EPP-PACE)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration (Chapel-Hill data)
Years active: 1919-…
Note: KDU-ČSL was part of SPOLU, an electoral alliance for the 2021 national parliamentary election
Svoboda a Přímá Demokracie (SPD)
Freedom and Direct Democracy
Leader: Tomio Okamura
Orientation: Far-right
EP Affiliation: ESN (ESN, ID Party, EC/DA)
EU Stance: Strongly opposed to EU integration (Chapel-Hill data)
Years active: 2015-…
Tradice Odpovědnost Prosperita (TOP 09)
Tradition Responsibility Prosperity
Leader: Markéta Adamová
Orientation: Centre-right (Poguntke et al., 2020)
EP Affiliation: EPP (EPP-EP, EPP Party)
EU Stance: Strongly in favour of EU integration (Chapel-Hill data)
Years active: 2009-…
Note: TOP 09 was part of SPOLU, an electoral alliance for the 2021 national parliamentary election
Česká Pirátská Strana (Piráti)
Czech Pirate Party
Leader: Zdeněk Hřib
Orientation: Pirate Party politics
EP Affiliation: Greens/EFA (Greens/EFA, PPEU, PPI, ALDE-PACE)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration (Chapel-Hill data)
Years active: 2009-…
Note: Piráti were part of Piráti a Starostové, an electoral alliance for the 2021 national parliamentary election.
Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy (KSČM)
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia
Leader: Kateřina Konečná
Orientation: Left-wing (Poguntke et al., 2020)
EP Affiliation: NI (NI, IMCWP, history with UEL)
EU Stance: Opposed to EU integration (Chapel-Hill data)
Years active: 1921-…
Sociální Demokracie (SOCDEM)
Social Democracy
Leader: Jana Maláčová
Orientation: Centre-left (Poguntke et al., 2020)
EP Affiliation: S&D (PES, SI, PA, SOC)
EU Stance: In favour of EU integration (Chapel-Hill data)
Years active: 1878-…
Spojení demokraté – Sdružení nezávislých (SD-SN)
United Democrats – Association of Independents
Leader: Alena Dernerová
Orientation: Conservative
EP Affiliation: NI (NI)
EU Stance: Opposed to EU integration
Years active: 2002-…
Přísaha – občanské hnutí Roberta Šlachty (Přísaha)
Oath – Robert Šlachta’s Civic Movement
Leader: Robert Šlachta
Orientation: Right-wing
EP Affiliation: PfE (PfE)
EU Stance: Neutral towards EU integration
Years active: 2021-…
Motoristé Sobě (Auto)
Motorists for themselves
Leader: Petr Macinka
Orientation: Right-wing
EP Affiliation: PfE (PfE)
EU Stance: Somewhat opposed to EU integration
Years active: 2017-…
Strana Svobodných Občanů (Svobodní)
Party of Free Citizens
Leader: Tomáš Pajonk
Orientation: Right-wing, Libertarian
EP Affiliation: ~NI (IALP)
EU Stance: Strongly opposed to EU integration
Years active: 2009-…
Note: Svobodní were of Trikolora-Svobodní-Soukromníci, a shared electoral list for the 2021 national parliamentary election
Jednotní – alternativa pro patrioty (Jednotní)
Unified – Alternative for Patriots
Leader: Lubomír Volný
Orientation: Right-wing
EP Affiliation: *
EU Stance: Strongly opposed to EU integration
Years active: 2019-…
Trikolóra hnutí občanů (Trikolóra)
Tricolour Citizens’ Movement
Leader: Zuzana Majerová Zahradníková
Orientation: Right-wing
EP Affiliation: ~ ESN (intention to join ESN)
EU Stance: Strongly opposed to EU integration
Years active: 2019-…
Note: Trikolora was part of Trikolora-Svobodní-Soukromníci, a shared electoral list for the 2021 national parliamentary election
Aliance Národních Sil (ANS)
Alliance of National Forces
Leader: Vladimíra Vítová
Orientation: Right-wing
EP affiliation: ~NI (history with NI)
EU stance: Strongly opposed to EU integration
Years active: 2011-